Paramedical Courses

Paramedical Courses

Type of CourseDurationScope of work
1Diploma in Sanitation Inspector (DSI)1 yearInspecting public establishments and ensuring that they are in accordance with the health norms
2Diploma Operation Theatre Technology (DOTT)1 yearSterilising and cleaning instruments in the Operation theatre and maintain hygienic conditions
3Diploma in Optometry Technician (DOPT)1 yearRecording patient history, performing various procedures and tests, and preparing the patients to see the doctor
4Diploma in Dental Technician and Hygiene2 yearsFollow detailed written instructions from the dentists and creating the desired appliance using impressions (molds) of the patient’s teeth or oral soft tissues
5Diploma in Physiotherapy2 yearsRehabilitation of incapacitated patients and help them regain mobility
6ploma in Nutrition and Dietetics2 yearsAdvising patients the right food for them while creating awareness about its nutrition, production, management and preservation
7Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (DYNS)2 yearsPracticing this form of alternative medicine

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